MATLAB: Obtain lines of a matrix according to its position.

MATLABmatricesmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

Hi. Good day.
I hope you help me solve this problem.
I have a matrix A of size 4 X 18.
I have the positions of the lines(row) that interest me to know.
For example I have the positions of lines(row) 2 and 4 and now I am interested in "" taking out "" of the matrix A the values ​​of lines(row) 2 and 4 and with these values ​​forming a matrix B
A=[ 10 87 11 10 10 10 13 10 76 82 87 89 86 10 13 88 12 90
. 84 70 76 86 90 10 10 80 69 71 72 83 68 84 11 76 10 83
. 91 99 94 10 85 80 10 88 84 88 11 10 78 81 82 86 11 86
. 71 73 74 76 73 67 86 77 76 78 86 89 78 73 79 73 91 79 ];
This would be the matrix B
B=[84 70 76 86 90 10 10 80 69 71 72 83 68 84 11 76 10 83
. 71 73 74 76 73 67 86 77 76 78 86 89 78 73 79 73 91 79]
The actual matrix A I have is 720 X 18
Thank you.

Best Answer

All you need is some very basic indexing:
B = A([2,4],:)
Very basic MATLAB concepts, like how to use indexing, are explained in the introdutory tutorials: