MATLAB: Objective and constraints having a common function – Problem based in Matlab 2016b

common objective and constraintsfunction conversionMATLABmatlab 2016boptimization expressionOptimization Toolboxoptimvar

In my current optimization problem, both the objective and cosntraint functions are calculated following a time-consuming simulink run. In order to avoid having to run the simulation twice at each iteration (one to compute the objective, one to compute the constraint), I would like to apply the same method as described in
However, my work only gives access to Matlab 2016b, and the functions used are not available yet : optimvar, fcn2optimexpr.
Is there a way to convert my function "compute_all" (which computes both the objective and the constraint) to an optimization expression, but in Matlab 2016b ?
Thank you for your help,

Best Answer

Perhaps what you are looking for is in Objective and Nonlinear Constraints in the Same Function.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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