MATLAB: Numerous “undeclared identifier” errors using MEX

mexr14windows 7

I have downloaded smoothpatch_curvature_double.c (from Matlab exchange) and am trying to use MEX for the first time. I am on Windows 7, with a 64bit operating system, but am using Matlab (R14) which is of course pretty old. Perhaps it can't access the full 64-bit system (?)
I entered "mex setup" first and chose LCC compiler
then as suggested in the comments, I used the command:
mex smoothpatch_curvature_double.c -v
A huge number of errors like those below occurred. Can someone please help me? Thanks very much in advance! Greg
Error smoothpatch_curvature_double.c: 25 undeclared identifier `mwSize' Error smoothpatch_curvature_double.c: 25 undeclared identifier `PneigDims' Warning smoothpatch_curvature_double.c: 25 Statement has no effect Error smoothpatch_curvature_double.c: 26 illegal statement termination Error smoothpatch_curvature_double.c: 26 skipping `int'

Best Answer

Try putting this at the top of the smoothpatch_curvature_double.c file:
#ifndef MWSIZE_MAX
#define mwIndex int
#define mwSignedIndex int
#define mwSize int