MATLAB: Numerical sensitivity of function kron(X,Y)

floating pointkronecker productmatrix

Assume X and Y are both symmetric matrices with double floating-point format. Can kron(X,Y) potentially become asymmetric due to the floating point numerics similar to the situation like X'*Y*X ?
I personally think it would be quite unlikely to have the problem I stated above given the mathematical definition of the Kronecker product. Nevertheless, if anyone has suggestions, please share them.

Best Answer

My instinct and my tests say no. There are only scalar multiplications in A=kron(X,Y), so those should be pretty safe. However, if you plan to start multiplying A with other data, the benefits of the symmetry might go out the window pretty fast. Note, for example, that C as computed with,
C=reshape( kron(X,X)*Y(:) ,N,N);
should be symmetric in exact arithmetic for symmetric X and Y. However, I find that this fails in most numerical tests, likely due to the very same issue you pointed out with X.'*Y*X.