MATLAB: Numerical Integration In Matlab

numerical integrationnumericalintegration

I need some help solving numerical integration.
The integral is:
fun = @(x) (x .* (exp(x) ./ (exp(x) – 1).^2) .* ((asind(0.0003 .* 1 .* x)).^2 ./ sqrt(1 – (0.0003 .* 1 .* x).^2))); Note: asind = sin^-1(….) –> (I am not sure if this is correct)
C = @(T) integral(fun, 0, 517.39 ./ T);
The limit of x is from: x = 0 to x = (500/T)
T ranges from (1 – 1000) (which is T = logspace(0, 3))
Can anyone help me solve this integral. I want to plot a loglog plot of (C as a function of T). I am getting some errors which I am not able to overcome.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The integral function will produce one value for the specific limits of integration. To create a vector from its outputs, a loop is necessary.
Try this:
fun = @(x) (x .* (exp(x) ./ (exp(x) - 1).^2) .* ((asind(0.0003 .* 1 .* x)).^2 ./ sqrt(1 - (0.0003 .* 1 .* x).^2)));
T = logspace(0, 3);
C = @(T) integral(fun, 0, 517.39 ./ T);
for k = 1:numel(T)
Cint(k) = C(T(k));
plot(T, Cint)