MATLAB: Num2str format


I have problems with num2str format
I get a number from an API:
I need the exact number as str output. For instance I know it is:
I tried with:
however this gives me the following wrong result:
ans =
Anyone have a clue what can be wrong here?

Best Answer

What does "I get a number from an API: 8.1784e+17" mean? Is this a char vector, string or a UINT64 or double scalar? In the last case, remember that doubles contain about 16 digits only. So there is no chance to store a value with 18 digitis accurately.
x = uint64(817835078876192769)
% uint64 817835078876192769
% 8.17835078876193e+17
% uint64 817835078876192768
% '817835078876192769'

sprintf('%d', x)
% '817835078876192769'
sprintf('%.0f', x)
% '817835078876192768'
So the problem might be, that the value is provided as double value. You need to store the value as UINT64 or as char array or string.