MATLAB: Notepad .txt to Matlab


I have this .text in notepad:
data _ electrical _ material_Graphic
x y
0 0,00
10 0,05
20 0,13
23 0,15
25 0,17
And I need to create an Matrix with only two columns with the values of x and y. I try with "importdata", but this command created me only one column. *Another problem is to change the commas by points
Thaks for you answer

Best Answer

MATLAB is not going to recognise the comma decimal separator. One approach is in troubles to load .txt-file in matlab (link).
Change the format specifier in the textscan call to:
dscc = textscan(fidi, '%f%s', 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput',1);
or whatever works for your file. Experiment to get the result you want.