MATLAB: Not quite fitting the data using lsqcurvefit

fittinglsqcurvefitvertical shift

Hello everyone. I'm trying to use lsqcurvefit to get optimal parameter value for K (see code). The fitting looks fine except for 2 things: fitted curves are always shifted down by some amount to respect to the data (see picture), and the values I get for K are complex when it should be a real number (but I guess that's a subproduct of the main problem here). K values for different initial guesses are similar, which is good. I really don't know what is going on, I hope someone can give me a hint.
Here's the code:
R=[0.1:0.1:0.4 0.6:0.2:1.8 2.1 2.4:0.4:3.2 3.8 4.8 6 8.4 12.8 20 36];
pks_locs1 = [114 93.5 144 167 199.5 225.5 275 271.5 282.5 301.5 315.5 319.5 348 356.5 362.5 390.5 408.5 420.5 464.5 449.5 457.5 477 494.5]';
CIS_H2 = 352.6;
fun_H2=@(K,R) pks_locs1(1)+CIS_H2*(K*G*(1+R)+1-sqrt((K*G*(1+R)+1)^2-R'*(2*K*G').^2))/(2*K*G');
plot([0 R],pks_locs1,'ko',R,fun_H2(K,R),'b-')
legend('Data','Fitted exponential')
title('Data and Fitted Curve')
The value I get for K is 9.3155e+03 – 1.1463e-01i. I have tried using lsqnonlin with similar results: fitted curve down-shifted and complex K values.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

When your model function is fully vectorized, as suggested by Walter, the results are better, but only you can know for sure what your model function is supposed to be.
R=[0.1:0.1:0.4 0.6:0.2:1.8 2.1 2.4:0.4:3.2 3.8 4.8 6 8.4 12.8 20 36].';
pks_locs1 = [114 93.5 144 167 199.5 225.5 275 271.5 282.5 301.5 315.5 319.5 348 356.5 362.5 390.5 408.5 420.5 464.5 449.5 457.5 477 494.5]';
CIS_H2 = 352.6;
fun_H2= @(K,R)pks_locs1(1)+CIS_H2.*(K.*G.*(1+R)+1-sqrt((K.*G.*(1+R)+1).^2-R.*(2.*K.*G).^2))./(2.*K.*G);
plot([0 R.'],pks_locs1,'ko',R,fun_H2(K,R),'b-')
legend('Data','Fitted exponential','location','southeast')
title('Data and Fitted Curve')