MATLAB: Not enought input arguments

filepathinput argumentsMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

I have this function
function comas_a_puntos (filepath)
and in the command window I write
comas_a_puntos ("/Users/cristinaserrrano/Documents/TFM/Ensayos ruido/18173_L2_corregirarchivosruido.xlsx")
but after that in the command window appears an error
Not enough input arguments.
Error in comas_a_puntos (line 2)
I don't know where or what the error is

Best Answer

comas_a_puntos ("/Users/cristinaserrrano...")
^ get rid of this space character!
Why the space makes a difference:
And in the function definition too:
function comas_a_puntos (filepath)
^ get rid of this!
Standard practice in MATLAB does not have space characters between function names and the parentheses.