MATLAB: Not Enough Input Arguments when using cm.addCustomMenuFcn


I'm trying to add some menu customizations. I'm starting with this Mathworks Example. However, it's not working. When running the code I get the following error.
_Not enough input arguments.
Error in simulinkMenuCustomisation (line 3) cm.addCustomMenuFcn('Simulink:ToolsMenu', @getMyMenuItems);__
function sl_customization(cm)
% Register custom menu function.
cm.addCustomMenuFcn('Simulink:ToolsMenu', @getMyMenuItems);
function schemaFcns = getMyMenuItems(callbackInfo)
schemaFcns = {@createBO};
function schema = createBO(callbackInfo)
schema = sl_action_schema;
schema.label = 'Align Inputs to Ports';
schema.statustip = 'Align Inputs to Ports';
schema.accelerator = 'Crtl+Alt+I';
schema.callback = @createBOcb;
function createBOcb(~)
blockH = find_system(gcbh);

Best Answer

Looks like this is due to attempting to run this script standalone.
The script requires the customization manager to be passed in as an argument to the sl_customization function (this is the missing argument).
This is done automatically when simulink starts (it will execute any sl_customization files it finds on the MATLAB path).
Keep in mind that if you are using simulink projects, simulink is started as soon as you open a project and before any project paths have been added to the MATLAB path. So saving your scripts within a project folder will likely not work and you will need to place it in a directory that is already on the MATLAB path.
I am not sure if there is a way to get the customization manager and pass it to this script manually after simulink has started.