MATLAB: Not Enough Input Arguments in fsolve

not enough input argumentproblem

please help to solve and explain why
function f = fun(x)
f(1) = (x(1)-4)^2 +(x(2)-4)^2 – 5;
f(2) = x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 – 16;
options = optimset('display','off')
x = fsolve(@fun,[2 3.5],options)
X = x(1)
Y = x(2)
>> fun()
Not enough input arguments.
Error in fun (line 2)
f(1) = (x(1)-4)^2 +(x(2)-4)^2 – 5;

Best Answer

function myProblem
options = optimset('display','off')
x = fsolve(@fun,[2 3.5],options)
X = x(1)
Y = x(2)
function f = fun(x)
f(1) = (x(1)-4)^2 +(x(2)-4)^2 - 5;
f(2) = x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 16;
Running gives the following result
>> myProblem
x =
1.8058 3.5692
X =
Y =