MATLAB: “Not enough input arguments”


I am trying to run the below code –
p_initial = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1];
options = optimoptions(@fmincon,'Display','iter','Algorithm','interior-point');
[p,fval] = fmincon(@tryone,p_initial,[],[],[],[],[],[],@errors,options)
It calls for 2 functions which are mentioned below :
%p(1), p(2) are Weibull shape parameters & p(3) is line intercept parameter, p(4) is slope parameter
function val=tryone(p,xdata, ydata)
p = [p(1), p(2), p(3), p(4)];
val = -sum(log(p(1))) -sum(log(p(2))) -(p(2)-1)*sum(log(ydata - p(3) - p(4)*xdata))+ p(1)*sum((ydata - p(3) - p(4)*xdata).^p(2));
%Constraint for Weibull errors to be positive
function [c, ceq] = errors(p,xdata,ydata)
c = ydata - p(3) - p(4)*xdata;
ceq = [ ];
I am encountering few problems:
1) I don't know how to incorporate constraint for Weibull parameters to be positive, i.e. p(1) and p(2) to be positive.
2) I am getting an error "Not enough input arguments" for this command (loglikelihood function mentioned above) –
val = -sum(log(p(1))) -sum(log(p(2))) -(p(2)-1)*sum(log(ydata - p(3) - p(4)*xdata))+ p(1)*sum((ydata - p(3) - p(4)*xdata).^p(2));
I am trying to run the below code –
Can somebody please tell me how to fix this?