MATLAB: Not enough input arguments.


I have installed Matlab 2017a version on Mac OS. but right after start simulink, there are warning messages appearing on command window. and also some blocks parameters window could not open. once hit double click on it: appear error message says "not enough input argument".
Warning: Function line has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function
to avoid a potential name conflict.
> In RTW.TargetRegistry.call_all
In RTW.TargetRegistry.getInstance
In slCustomizer/internalCustomizationSimulinkCoderCore>registerTargetInfo
In slCustomizer/internalCustomizationSimulinkCoderCore
In slCustomizer/callAllMethods
In slCustomizer/refresh
In slCustomizer.staticRefresh
In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18)
In slcustomize (line 4)
In simulinkrc (line 34)
In start_simulink (line 19)
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON
Warning: Function line has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function
to avoid a potential name conflict.
> In slCustomizer/callAll
In slCustomizer/refresh
In slCustomizer.staticRefresh
In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18)
In slcustomize (line 4)
In simulinkrc (line 34)
In start_simulink (line 19)
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON
Warning: Function line has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function
to avoid a potential name conflict.
> In slCustomizer/refresh
In slCustomizer.staticRefresh
In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18)
In slcustomize (line 4)
In simulinkrc (line 34)
In start_simulink (line 19)
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON
Warning: Function line has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function
to avoid a potential name conflict.
> In slCustomizer/callAll
In slCustomizer/refresh
In slCustomizer.staticRefresh
In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18)
In slcustomize (line 4)
In simulinkrc (line 34)
In start_simulink (line 19)
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON
Warning: Function line has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function
to avoid a potential name conflict.
> In slCustomizer/refresh
In slCustomizer.staticRefresh
In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18)
In slcustomize (line 4)
In simulinkrc (line 34)
In start_simulink (line 19)
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON
Warning: Function line has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function
to avoid a potential name conflict.
> In slCustomizer/refresh
In slCustomizer.staticRefresh
In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18)
In slcustomize (line 4)
In simulinkrc (line 34)
In start_simulink (line 19)
In connector.internal.fevalMatlab
In connector.internal.fevalJSON

Best Answer

which -all line on command window of Matlab, following line was appeared:
built-in (/Applications/ % Shadowed
This means that you have created an M-file called line.m, which shadows the built-in function with the same name. It is expected that Matlab will fail, when it uses the wrong method. The solution is to rename your file. This is suggested in the warn message already.
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