MATLAB: Not able to calculate convolution sum properly without convolution command

not able to calculate convolution sum properly without convolution command

not able to calculate convolution sum properly. i have writen the following code but it is giving me wrong answer. close all clear all step=0.001 th=0:step:10 th1=0:step:1 th2=1:step:2 th3=2:step:10 th=[th1 th2 th3] x1=zeros(size(th1)) x2=ones(size(th2)) x3=zeros(size(th3)) x=[x1 x2 x3] step=0.001 m=0:step:10 m1=0:step:1 m2=1:step:2 m3=2:step:10 m=[m1 m2 m3] y1=zeros(size(m1)) y2=ones(size(m2)) y3=zeros(size(m3)) z=[y1 y2 y3] t=-1 subplot(6,1,1) plot(th,x,-m+t,z,'r') legend('x(\tau)','h(t-\tau)'); t=2.5 subplot(6,1,2) plot(th,x,-m+t,z,'r') legend('x(\tau)','h(t-\tau)'); t=3 subplot(6,1,3) plot(th,x,-m+t,z,'r') legend('x(\tau)','h(t-\tau)'); t=3.5 subplot(6,1,4) plot(th,x,-m+t,z,'r') legend('x(\tau)','h(t-\tau)'); t=4.5 subplot(6,1,5) plot(th,x,-m+t,z,'r') legend('x(\tau)','h(t-\tau)'); syms t r f=1; j1=int(f,r,1,t-1) j2=int(f,r,1,2) j3=int(f,r,t-2,2) j=[j1 j2 j3] b1=2:0.1:3 b2=3 b3=3:0.1:4
y1=b1-2 y2=1*ones(size(b2)) y3=4-b3
subplot(6,1,6) plot(b1,y1,b2,y2,b3,y3,'g')

Best Answer

Well, then, I'd say that's a good reason to use the conv() function.
By the way, read to learn how to format your code so it appears correctly here.