MATLAB: Normalizing data for neural networks

accepted answer is incorrectneural network

I've read that it is good practice to normalize data before training a neural network.
There are different ways of normalizing data.
Does the data have to me normalized between 0 and 1? or can it be done using the standardize function – which won't necessarily give you numbers between 0 and 1 and could give you negative numbers.
Many thanks

Best Answer

I've heard that the artificial neural network training data must be normalized before the training process.
I have a code that can normalize your data into spesific range that you want.
p = [4 4 3 3 4;
2 1 2 1 1;
2 2 2 4 2];
a = min(p(:));
b = max(p(:));
ra = 0.9;
rb = 0.1;
pa = (((ra-rb) * (p - a)) / (b - a)) + rb;
Let say you want to normalize p into 0.1 to 0.9.
p is your data.
ra is 0.9 and rb is 0.1.
Then your normalized data is pa