MATLAB: Normalise all images in an imageset

Computer Vision Toolboxdatabaseimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hello I want to normalise all the images in an image set using standard deviation and zero mean. for that i ma using my normalisation fucntion. But the thing is that I want to insert all the images in to same imageset database after it has benn normalise. How do i do that ?
for eg this is my code:
for i=1:length(training)
for j=1:training(i).Count
where training is 1×40 imageset and each imagetset(i) contains 7 images. But its not storing the way i want that is after normalizing store it in the same location in the same imageset.Is it possible to insert data in to an imageset along with accessing data?
It is showing me the error
Error: Expression or statement is incorrect–possibly unbalanced (, {, or [.

Best Answer

is not correct syntax for accepting the outputs of a function. You need brackets. Try
[training(i), j] = ....