MATLAB: Normal distribution problem using histfit


Hi MatLab-friends,
I have a question about histfit. My dataset only contains positive (or 0s) values but when I make my histfit, the normal distribution goes from negative values. How can I make the distribution line only consider positive values?
Attaching figure. How I want the distribution to look is seen with the black line.
Thank you in advance.
The code I use now is:
F=d_f_t(:,2) %

Best Answer

If @dpb had made his comment as an answer, I would have upvoted it.
Your data are clearly not normally distributed. Is there a particular reason that you wanted to fit them with a normal?
You can use the histfit function with a different underlying distribution. dpb's suggestion of a lognormal looks like an excellent choice, from a purely empirical point of view (but you may know something about the underlying process that makes some other distribution a better choice). See the documentation for details, but for example ...
n_d = histfit(F,[ ],'lognormal')
should give you something much better than you have now.