MATLAB: Nonscalar arrays of function handles are not allowed; use cell arrays instead.

#indexing #ode45MATLAB

a_vec=[0.020 0.025 0.030];
for i=1:length(a_vec)
dP_dt_1(i)=@(P) (a_vec(i).*P)-(b.*P.^2);
[t_ode45_vec_1,y_ode45_vec_1] = ode45(@(P,t) dP_dt_1(t),[t_0 t_max],P_0);
hold on
Hi everyone, when I try to run this piece of code, I get an error :
Nonscalar arrays of function handles are not allowed; use cell arrays instead.
How can I resolve this error?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You don't need to create an array of function handles. You just need to construct one function handle to use for that iteration. So just
dP_dt_1 = @(P) (a_vec(i).*P)-(b.*P.^2);
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