MATLAB: Nonlinear differential equations

differential equationsnonlinear

How can i solve a system of nonlinear differential equations using Matlab?? here is an example of what i'm talking about it's not the problem that i'm working in but it had the same form. //// x'=3x+y//// y'=y-x+y^4+z^4//// z'=y+z^4+y^4+3/// the ' means the derivative. i'll appreciate your help, best regards!

Best Answer

eg for your case
f1 = @(t,y)[3*y(1)+y(2);y(2)-y(1)+y(2).^4+y(3).^4;y(2)+y(2).^4+y(3).^4+3]
[T,Y] = ode45(f1,[0 .1],zeros(3,1))