MATLAB: Nonlinear curve fit: how to optimize

curve fittingcustomlsqcurvefitnonlinearoptimization

I have a custom model which I want to fit to my data. The model works manually, i.e. when I know approximately the fit paramaters. But now I need to optimize this solution, so that it works for similar curves (the one that I will give here is only a perfect noise free data), so please consider this problem in a general case.
The fit model is:
function [x,errorfitted] = fit1d_ABCpara(q,psd1d)
x0 = [2e-10,6e-4, 2.4];
lb = [1e-11, 3e-04,2];
ub = [Inf,3e-3,3];
fun = @(x,xdata)0.5e14 * x(1) .* (1+((x(2).*q).^2)).^-((x(3)/2));
[x,errorfitted] = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,q,psd1d,lb,ub);
This is the curve for original data points:
This is the fit I get from the code above for my data in log-log space:
But this is what I want and I could get the fit by manually changing my fit parameters:
How can I optimize my 3 parameters?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

To get the curve you want, you will have to introduce different weights for different data points. Deviances between data and model for data with high x-values must be weighted more than deviances between data and model for data with low x-values.
Here is a suggestion on how to modify your code:
function [x,errorfitted] = fit1d_ABCpara(q,psd1d)
x0 = [2e-10,6e-4, 2.4];
lb = [1e-11, 3e-04,2];
ub = [Inf,3e-3,3];
fun=@(x)(0.5 * x(1) .* (1+((x(2).*q).^2)).^-((x(3)/2))-psd1d)./psd1d;
Best wishes
P.S. Nice to hear that it worked :-)