MATLAB: Non-singleton dimensions of the two input arrays must match each other.

alphablendingdicom imagesmaskoverlaying

I cannot understand what's the problem. This code works for other jpg images but for my dicom stack of images it comes up with an error (see subject line), to the _Background_blending = bsxfun(@times, Background, bsxfun(@minus,1,alpha)); line. PLease Help. Thanks!
Foreground = im2double(mask)*350-50;
Background = im2double(I);
% build alpha layer for Foreground
alpha = bsxfun(@times, ones(size(Foreground,1), size(Foreground,2)), .6);
% find a scale dynamically with some limit
Foreground_min = min( min(Foreground(:)), -50 );
Foreground_max = max( max(Foreground(:)), 300 );
% overlay the image by blending
Background_blending = bsxfun(@times, Background, bsxfun(@minus,1,alpha));

Best Answer

Your code overuses bsxfun. You only need at most one bsxfun call.
Your code probably reduces down to
Background_blending = Background .* (1-0.6);
Anyhow, your bug is in assuming that mask and "I" have the same number of rows and columns (but possibly different numbers of planes).