MATLAB: Non-numeric matrix to string


Hi i am trying to import an excel file to matlab and convert the matrix crated into a string in order for me to use sscanf to format the file to show certain information. However this matrix contains data such as " 34WP01"….any ideas? I tried using the mat2str function but its telling me the matrix must be numeric.

Best Answer

It's not a matrix. It's a cell array.
You can try converting the whole thing to strings with something like:
Where M is your array... But that joins them with no spaces... How about adding a space to each entry maybe:
Msp = cellfun(@(x) [x,' '], x, 'uni', 0);
Mstr = [Msp{:}]
Bit hacky, I know... But it might work for you.
Otherwise maybe you want to use regexp. It'll work on cell arrays of strings. Then you probably won't require sscanf.