MATLAB: Non-linear Optimization with summation objective function and data set

Global Optimization ToolboxMATLABnon-linear optimizationoptimizationOptimization ToolboxStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I'm looking for someone to help me implement a non linear optimization problem with one constraint and a dataset.
The objective function is a mult-summation NLP
The constraint is:
The dataset x is a vector with two columns, where x( i) = column 1 and x(j) = column 2. Both x(i) and x(j) map to dataset y(i) and y(j), respectively. Variable p(i) and p(j) is unknown.
How do I formulate a NLP problem in MATLAB to solve for the different iterations of p(i) and p(j)?

Best Answer

See fmincon(): for nonlinear programming in MATLAB.