MATLAB: Non-linear equations Jacobian


I have the following system of non-linear equations:
f(x)={(x(1)^5 + x(2)^3*x(3)^4 + 1)
(X(3)^4 - 1)}
My problem says: Compute the Jacobian, J(x) (Note that the Jacobian is singular for x(3)=0)
So far, I have used:
syms x y z jacobian([x^5 + y^3*z^4 + 1; x^2*y*z; z^4-1],[x;y;z])
and a have following matrix
ans =
[ 5*x^4, 3*y^2*z^4, 4*y^3*z^3]
[ 2*x*y*z, x^2*z, x^2*y]
[ 0, 0, 4*z^3]
Now, what is my next step to compute Jacobian?

Best Answer

The matrix you got is the Jacobian.
You just have to replace x by x(1), y by x(2) and z by x(3).
Best wishes