MATLAB: Non-functioning function

calculatefactorial functionMATLAB

function output = calculateFactorial(N)
output = N*(N-1);
if (length(N) = N < 1 || N > 1)
output = 'Error; N must be a single number and not an array';
elseif N < 0
output = 'Error; N must be greater than Zero';
elseif rem(N,1) ~= 0
output = 'Error; Intger must be whole number';
elseif N == 0
output = 1;
struggling with these functions. If i ommit line 2, theres then a mistake on line 3 where there is an incoorrect use of '='. I need help wrapping my head around my mistakes.

Best Answer

if length(N) > 1