MATLAB: No video adapters available

adaptersImage Acquisition ToolboximaqhwinfolinuxvideoMATLABvideo4linux

I have a clean installation of Ubuntu 11.04 64bit and Matlab 2011a 64bit. I also have a Logitech webcam that works properly in 'Cheese Webcam Booth'. But when I execute imaqhwinfo the list of InstalledAdapters is empty.
Does anyone know how solve this?
>> imaqhwinfo
ans =
InstalledAdaptors: {}
MATLABVersion: '7.12 (R2011a)'
ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '4.1 (R2011a)'
I installed video4linux without any success:
$ sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev
And I also tried to register linuxvideo manually:
>> imaqregister('/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/toolbox/imaq/imaqadaptors/glnxa64/')
ans =
Empty cell array: 0-by-1

Best Answer

Image Acquisition Toolbox requires Video 4 Linux 2. It looks like your have installed V4L1:
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