MATLAB: No supported Visual C/C++ compiler found. Check your installation of Visual C/C++.

MATLABMATLAB Compilerrtwsimulinksimulink codervisual c++

In simulink I made a simple block and generating a visual C++ code using a target file : grt.tlc ----- (Creating a visual c++ solution file for the grt target. During Build process I am getting an error like:
'No supported Visual C/C++ compiler found. Check your installation of Visual C/C++.'
But still it is genearting some code. But this error is really annoying me. On the other side, in matlab command window, it shows like:
''### Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: 'convFactor2' aborted due to an error.''
By seeing this I feel that, the genearted code is not completly build because when I then launch it on VC++ itself I get errors from simulink header files (particularly on simstruc.h).
However when I type command "mex -setup" it shows both the lcc compiler and VC++ compiler. I have thus chosen the VC++ compiler but still get the same error as explained previously.
So, how do I get the RTW to recognize the VC++ compiler?
Note:I am using Matlab R 2010b and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 express edition and also I have installed microsoft SDK.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I believe that this occurs if you are using Visual Studio Express. When Simulink creates a VS solution/project, it actually does it through some COM/ActiveX interface that is only present on Visual Studio Professional Edition. As a result, you can't make Visual Studio solutions/projects with the Express Edition.
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