MATLAB: No Skeleton Tracking features using Kinect and Image Acquisition Toolbox

errorImage Acquisition Toolboxkinectskeleton tracking

Hi, I'm trying tu use Image Acquisition Toolbox and a Kinect V1 sensor to do Real Time skeleton tracking. But I have an Error, and I can't seem to find an answer on internet.So first of all this my code:
%Traqueur de Squelette
%Initialisation des variables
Video = videoinput('kinect',1,'RGB_640x480'); %Video des Couleurs
Profondeurs = videoinput('kinect',2,'Depth_640x480'); %Video des Profondeurs
%Definition Trigger
Profondeurs.FramesPerTrigger = 1;
Profondeurs.TriggerRepeat = 100;
%Demarage Capteur de Profondeur
himg = figure;
%Calcul Squelette
while ishandle(himg)
[depthMap,~,depthMetaData] = getdata(Profondeurs);
if sum(depthMetaData.IsSkeletonTracked > 0)
skeletonJoints = depthMetaData.JointDepthindeices(:,:,depthMetaData.IsSkeletonTracked);
imshow(depthMap,[0 4096]);
hold on;
hold off;
imshow(depthMap,[0 4096]);
And this is the Error I get:
Error using Kinect_SkeletonTest (line 12)
The name 'TrackingMode' is not an accessible property for an instance of class 'videosource'.
It seems like I cannot acces the skeleton tracking features even though I can acces the Color Video and the Depth Video just fine. I tried to type the following command to troubleshoot my problem: getselectedsource(depthVideo);
This is what i'm supposed to get (according to other people who tried doing the same thing as me):
ans =
General Settings:
Parent = [1x1 videoinput]
Selected = on
SourceName = DepthSource
Tag =
Type = videosource
Device Specific Properties:
Accelerometer = [0.0 -1.0 0.0]
BodyPosture = Standing
CameraElevationAngle = 4
DepthMode = Default
FrameRate = 30
IREmitter = on
SkeletonsToTrack = [1x0 double]
TrackingMode = off
And this is what I personally get:
ans =
Display Summary for Video Source Object:
General Settings:
Parent = [1x1 videoinput]
Selected = on
SourceName = Depth Source
Tag = [0x0 string]
Type = videosource
Device Specific Properties:
Accelerometer = [-0.09768 -0.95238 -0.21856]
CameraElevationAngle = 13
FrameRate = 30.0918
IREmitter = on
As you can see, many Device Specific Properties are not accessible on my device. And they are all related to skeleton tracking. It seems like my kinect doesn't even have any Skeleton Tracking features. Does anyone know this issue and how to fix it?
Sorry for the French Commentaries in the Code, and the bad English. Thank You for taking time to read my problem.

Best Answer

Hi Elio,
1. What version of MATLAB are you using?
2. Is your sensor a Kinect for Windows Sensor or an XBOX sensor? Your sensor will have the word Kinect emblazoned on it if it is a KFW sensor.
3. What do you see in Kinect Explorer(its an application that is installed with the Kinect driver)? Do you see more properties than what you see in MATLAB?