MATLAB: No puedo encontrar el centroide del triangulo ayuda¡¡¡ ( polyshape/​centroid/t​riangle)


Insufficient number of outputs
from right hand side of equal
sign to satisfy assignment.
x1 = [0 1 2];
y1 = [0 1 0];
x2 = [2 3 4];
y2 = [1 2 1];
polyin = polyshape({x1,x2},{y1,y2});
[x,y] = centroid(polyin);
hold on
hold off

Best Answer

As stated by Rik , try running the command which centroid -all ,if the compiler does not report the path of ‘centroid()’ function as matlabroot\toolbox\matlab\polyfun\@polyshape\centroid.m % polyshape method then, there is some other function defined in the current workspace that goes by the name ‘centroid’.[PM1]
To find centroids of the whole figure use the code below:
>> c1 = centroid(x1,y1) % centroid of 1sttriangle
>> c2 = centroid(x2,y2) % centroid of 2ndtriangle
>> c = (c1+c2)/2 % centroid of whole figure.
Hope This helps.
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