MATLAB: No MATLAB editor window opening

MATLABmatlab editor

Good evening,
I use MATLAB for a while now and never had any issues but this morning, after starting up MATLAB and trying to edit my files the only thing that showed up was a X-button in the top left corner of my screen. Although the editor was shown running it didn't open any window. I tried upgrading from R2017b to R2018a and downgrading Java SE from now update 181 to 171 to 111 but it didn't change anything. Running as administor didn't solve the problem either. I hope you can help me out with repairing the MATLAB editor for the .m files 'cause I have no clue…
Thank you in advance 🙂

Best Answer

This looks like a Windows issue, not a Matlab issue. You can try to force Windows to reset window positions by changing your resolution (after which you can change it back).
If that doesn't work and it is a Matlab issue you could try using the layout button in the lint to change the position of the editor.