MATLAB: No “Increment Value and Run Section” in Live Scripts

increment value and run sectionlive scriptMATLAB

I switched my project to a Live Script instead of a normal .m script. However, in MATLAB R2017b, while I am able to use the "Increment Value and Run Section" functionality by choosing it from the context menu in a .m script, I cannot find the feature in Live Scripts. Is it not supported, or am I doing it wrong?
"Increment and Run" is a very simple but immensely helpful feature when fine tuning values.

Best Answer

Thank you for your interest in this feature. We have something similar that is supported in the Live Editor starting from release 18a! You can insert Controls (slider, dropdown, etc) using the the Control dropdown in the toolstrip of the Live Editor. For more information on this topic please see the documentation here. Thanks again for the feedback and interest in Live Scripts!
Let me know if you have further questions or feedback.