MATLAB: No gaps between subplot in for loop and shared subplot title

figureshared axessubplottitle

I'd really appreciate your help.
I have plotted two subplots and would like to position the Intervention and Control subplots closer together so that there are no gaps between them on the xaxis (please see figure below).
Subsequently, I would also like the subplots on each row to share the same title i.e. 0.4mA for both the Control and Intervention subplot.
My current code is:
suplotTitle = {'0.4mA', '0.6mA', '0.8mA', '1.2mA', '1.6mA'};
f1=figure('units', 'normalized', 'position', [0.001 0.001 5 5]);
for ii=1:5
s1 = subplot(6,2,2*ii-1);
b1 = bar(conRR(2:end,1), conRR(2:end, ii+1));
b1.FaceColor = '#D95319';
b1.EdgeColor = 'none';
ylim([0 70]);
set(gca, 'FontSize', 11);
box off
if ii < 5
hold all
s2 = subplot(6,2,ii*2);
b2 = bar(b9RR(2:end,1), b9RR(2:end, ii+1));
b2.FaceColor = '#0072BD';
b2.EdgeColor = 'none';
set(gca, 'FontSize', 11);
box off
if ii < 5
t = sgtitle('Respiratory Rate');
t.FontSize = 13;
t.FontWeight = 'bold';
hL = subplot(6,2,11.5);
poshL = get(hL,'position');
lgd = legend(hL,[b1,b2],'Control','Intervention');
legend box off;
set(lgd,'position',poshL,'Orientation','horizontal', 'FontSize', 11);
Many thanks in advance. Cheers.

Best Answer

I have plotted two subplots and would like to position the Intervention and Control subplots closer together so that there are no gaps between them on the xaxis (please see figure below).
If you use subplot() then it is important that you create all of the subplot() first, and then only after the last one is created, you can set the OuterPosition of each. Record the handles of each as you create them: do not attempt to get the handle back by using subplot() again, not in this situation.