MATLAB: NLINFIT error of model being overparameterized

nlinfitoverparameterized model error

I need to fit some data using nlinfit but code is showing following error. May I please some some suggestion what can be specifically tried.Files attached.
Warning: The model is overparameterized, and model parameters are not identifiable. You will not be able to
compute confidence or prediction intervals, and you should use caution in making predictions.
> In nlinfit (line 377)
In Water_HIfit (line 16)

Best Answer

When you learn your model is overparameterized, there is no magical solution. You can do one of two things:
  1. Use a simpler model. Your model is too complex to be estimated from this data.
  2. Get better data. Effectively, that means MORE data, but better data is always helpful in such a case.
This is not something you can fix by using some other method, or by flipping some switch.