MATLAB: Nice boxes for great linewidths

boxplotgreat linewidth

I'm producing lots of boxplots for a collegue of mine. He needs them with a very big line width (for poster or so, and insists on png files). So I resize the lines after plotting (using findall). but after saving it ends up like:
The corners aren't drawn properly. Funny thing is that on the screen 3 of the 4 corners are drawn nicely rounded.
I wonder if anyone has tips to make boxes properly.
Don't know if it matters but my workplace is still at 2009a.

Best Answer

hmmm the boxes idea looks clear. Though I'm a bit anxious about it since it might have some side effects on the other graphics I have in the plot - notches eg. (which for reference looks like: )
I think the problem lies with the ways lines are printed. Also a random line:
x = 1:10; y=rand(10,1);l= line(x,y,'LineWidth',32);
Thinking about this I came up with an idea. If I'd put dot markers on all corners it should cover the "shame". They'd just have to be the same size as the line. I'm just experimenting with that.