MATLAB: “Next Button” and “command window” in App Designer

app designerMATLAB

I am very new to Matlab App designer and have two questions. I appreciate any help.
  1. I have a series of images located in a folder. I would like to show them one at a time and then go to the next one by pressing the "Next" button. How can I program the "Next" button?
  2. I would like to see the values of variables in AppDesigner code. I know it's doable via debug mode and placing a break point at the line in which that variable is. But I don't see the values by hovering the mouse (although this feature is active in normal Matlab mode). Also, I don't really know where is the command window for App designer mode? I think it's not the same as Matlab command window because when I put variable's name there, it's undefined.
Thank you for any help

Best Answer

Make an app and add two properties. Filelist and currentidx and a placeholder for image in the app.
Make a function called load next image. Set it as the callback for your next button.
On startup load the filelist and display the first image.
properties (Access = private)
currentidx = 1; %set to 1 initially
Filelist = {};
function load_next_image(app)
idx = mod(app.currentidx + 1,length(app.Filelist));
if idx == 0
idx = 1;
function load_image_at_index(app,j)
app.currentidx = j;
impath = app.Filelist{j};
app.Image.ImageSource = impath;
% add a startup function by clicking AppInputArguments button in code view
function startupFcn(app,varargin)
% app.Filelist = {'C:\test\test.png'}; % assign your list