MATLAB: Newton-Raphson Method with Jacobian

jacobiannewtonnewton raphsonraphson

I have a problem with this program, a finite value vector is not returned despite the system having a solution.
Using function fsolve the result is Xeq3 = [0.6875 0.6346 0.9411], while using the function my_newton2 Xeq3 = [NaN NaN NaN].
I think the problem is in the function declaration but I was unable to find a solution. Please help me to find the error in the code.
function es()
KI = 1;
k1 = 1.2;
k2 = 1.1;
k3 = 1.3;
tf = 10;
X0 = [2, 1.25, 0.75];
format long
syms x y z;
f(x,y,z) = [(k3 / (z + y) - k1 * x), (k1 * x - k2 * 0.75), (k2 * 0.75 - k3 * y)];
j(x,y,z) = jacobian(f, [x, y, z]);
j1(x,y,z) = inv(j);
Xeq3 = my_newton2(f, j1, [X0(1), X0(3), KI])
function xval = my_newton2(f, j, x0)
tol = 1e-9; %tollerance
while true
% Calculate the next xval value
h = -f(x0(1),x0(2),x0(3))*j(x0(1),x0(2),x0(3));
xval = double(x0) + double(h);
%Check the result
exit = true;
for k=1:length(x0)
if abs(x0(k)-xval(k))>tol
if exit
x0 = xval;

Best Answer

In Newton loops you must evaluate your f and j and currently guessed iterate, so your line
h = -f(x0(1),x0(2),x0(3))*j(x0(1),x0(2),x0(3));
should rather look like (using your notation)
h = -f(xval(1),xval(2),xval(3))*j(xval(1),xval(2),xval(3));
so you will need a statement at the top to initialize xval to x0