MATLAB: Newton-Raphson Method using a WHILE Loop. Help

newtonroot finding

t1 = (t0 - (y1/y2)); %Creates a t1 value
while abs(t1-t0) > 1e-6 %Runs a loop when the value is larger than our error
t0 = t1; %New t1 becomes t0
y1 = f(t0); %Defines our functions at new t1
y2 = f(t0);
t1 = (t0 - (y1/y2)); %New t-value, essentially t2 and loops back through.

Best Answer

EJ - please clarify what you mean by It just will not work correctly. Does the code produce an incorrect answer? Or does the code get stuck in the while loop? Or does it not even enter the loop?
You may also want to look at how y1 and y2* are defined
y1 = f(t0); %Defines our functions at new t1
y2 = f(t0);
They are both initialized to the same value which seems to be incorrect. I suspect that you want
y2 = df(t0);