MATLAB: Newton-Raphson Method for Non-linear System of 3 variables in Matlab


I am trying to solve 3 non-linear system of 3 variables using the newton-raphson method in matlab. Here are the 3 non-linear equations:
c[alpha I+ k_f+k_d+k_ns+k_p(1-q)]-I alpha =0
s[lambda_b c P_C +lambda_r (1-q)]- lambda_b c P_C =0
q[gamma +c k_p (P_C/P_Q)]- c k_p (P_C/P_Q)=0
I need to find the values of c,s, and q using the newton-raphson method.
=> can someone please check my code, there are no errors so, its converges after six iterations. can give the accurate values of c,s and q.
I am only concern about this line in my matlab code:
disp(sprintf('iter=%6.15f, c=%6.15f, s=%6.15f, q=%6.15f', iter,xnew));
I want to display xnew as new and accurate values for c,s and q. Is this code giving the correct and update values of c,s,q as xnew? Sorry if my question looks silly. Thanks in advance.
This is my matlab code :
format long
%values of parameters
k_f= 6.7*10.^7;
k_d= 6.03*10.^8;
lambda_b= 0.0087;
lambda_r =835;
gamma =2.74;
alpha =1.14437*10.^-3;
P_C= 3 * 10.^(11);
P_Q= 2.87 * 10.^(10);
tol = 10.^-4; %tol is a converge tolerance
%initial guess or values
iter= 0; %iterations
xnew =[c;s;q];
xold = zeros(size(xnew));
while norm(xnew - xold) > tol
iter= iter + 1;
xold = xnew;
% update c, s, and q
c = xold(1);
s = xold(2);
q = xold(3);
%Defining the functions for c,s and q.
f = c * (alpha*I + k_f + k_d + k_n * s + k_p*(1-q))-I *alpha;
g = s * (lambda_b * c* P_C + lambda_r *(1-q))- lambda_b* c * P_C;
h = q * ( gamma + c * k_p *(P_C / P_Q))- (c * k_p * (P_C / P_Q));
%Partial derivatives in terms of c,s and q.
dfdc = alpha*I + k_f + k_d + k_n * s + k_p*(1-q);
dfds = k_n *c ;
dfdq = - k_p *c;
dgdc = lambda_b * P_C *(s-1);
dgds = lambda_b * c* P_C + lambda_r *(1-q);
dgdq = - lambda_r * s;
dhdc = k_p *(P_C / P_Q)*(q-1);
dhds = 0;
dhdq = gamma + c * k_p *(P_C / P_Q);
%Jacobian matrix
J = [dfdc dfds dfdq; dgdc dgds dgdq; dhdc dhds dhdq];
% Applying the Newton-Raphson method
xnew = xold - J\[f;g;h];
disp(sprintf('iter=%6.15f, c=%6.15f, s=%6.15f, q=%6.15f', iter,xnew));

Best Answer

I do see an error in your code, though it does not account for why you get only one iteration. You are not renewing the value of x0 inside the while-loop and therefore it continues to be the original estimate values. Also you are not renewing the values of c, s, and q from your 'xnew' values. The way the code reads, if it repeats for a second iteration, the while-loop should run forever, since nothing is ever changed after that.