MATLAB: Newbie to Matlab: How to find duplicates within a cell of arrays, arrays have varying sizes


I have a 100 x 1 cell containing arrays of varying length from 5 to 8. Here's an example:
A = [1×7 double] [1×6 double] [1×6 double] [1×7 double] [1×5 double]
Each of these arrays looks something like [1 5 20 12 25 27 1]. Is there a fast way to identify any duplicates within the entire cell and delete them so you're left with only unique arrays? I've been searching on this site but can't seem to find a way to deal with varying length arrays.
Thank you so much for your help!
Newbie to Matlab

Best Answer

Here is a one rather exotic way of doing it:
% Step 1: Convert to strings
Aunique = cellfun(@(x)char(typecast(x,'uint8')), A, 'unif',0);
% Step 2: Call the UNIQUE command
Aunique = unique(Aunique);
% Step 3: Reconvert to doubles
Aunique = cellfun(@(x) typecast(uint8(x),'double'),Aunique,'unif',0)