MATLAB: Newbie question on feval

curve fittingCurve Fitting Toolboxfeval

I loaded two vectors into my workspace, plotted them versus one another, used the "basic fitting" tool on the plot, and saved the fit to my workspace. So I now have a structure named "ResourceFit" that shows up in my variable list. However, when I try to call
feval('ResourceFit', 0.17)
for example, I get
Error using feval Undefined function 'ResourceFit' for input arguments of type 'double'.
I'm an infrequent Matlab user, but I swear I've done this before….not sure where I'm going wrong.

Best Answer

I assume you are talking about the feval method for fittype objects, described here
If you have the Curve Fitting Toolbox installed and the object created by the steps you describe is of type "fittype", then it should work if you omit the quotes,
feval(ResourceFit, 0.17)