MATLAB: Newbie question about example on a textbook


Hi guys, i just started learning using MATLAB. I am following the "MATLAB for neuroscientist" textbook's examples. I came across this code that won't work:
if true
% code
for ii = 1:9
h = bar(1,1)
set(h,'FaceColor',[0 0 ii/9])
This code i copied it from the text book in this exact way but when i try to run it it says: Attempt to execute SCRIPT subplot as a function: D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\subplot.m
Error in subplot (line 3) subplot(3,3,ii)
obviously i can't understand where the problem is, thank you in advance!

Best Answer

You probably saved your file as subplot.m
It conflicts with the subplot() function and built-in subplot.m
Name it something else.
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