MATLAB: Newbie: How to import and read data files (text files) automatically

data importMATLAB

I would like to import data into a m file. Data has extension ".epi". I figured out how to import it (see code following) but would like to automatically get prompted and choose it from the explorer when running the m file. Thanks heaps, I'm a real beginner!
function importAEPdata(AEPfile)
% Imports data from the specified file
% AEPfile: file to read
% Import the file
AEPdata = importdata(AEPfile);
% Create new variables in the base workspace from those fields.
vars = fieldnames(AEPdata);
for i = 1:length(vars)
assignin('base', vars{i}, AEPdata.(vars{i}));

Best Answer

If you want the user to select a single file name, use uigetfile()
If you want a directory of names to be processed, see
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