MATLAB: New version of Matlab (2017a)


Hi, I'd like to install the new version of MatLab (Release 2017a) but I first want to be sure that it's not going to erase all what I've done on the previous version. Thanks for your answers…

Best Answer

MATLAB does NOT erase your old code. In fact, you can have multiple releases of MATLAB on one computer.
Of course, if you are silly enough to have saved your code under the MATLAB root directories, this is a bad idea for good reasons. Code in those directories is cached,so any changes to your code will not be seen until the cache is regenerated. That happens on restarting MATALB, or if you force it.
Anyway, just save your code in your own directories, then put them on your search path.
I even wrote a little utility function to help you to update your search path in a new release.