MATLAB: Neural Networks warning

MATLABneural networkstraining warning

When I train any neural network i get the warning below. It still trains usable networks but I'd like to know what the warning means.
% Warning: 'trainRation' is not a legal parameter.
% > In nntest.param>do_test (line 63)
% In nntest.param (line 6)
% In network/subsasgn>setDivideParam (line 1838)
% In network/subsasgn>network_subsasgn (line 460)
% In network/subsasgn (line 14)
% In NN_Training (line 78)
I'm using the function below to train the networks but I don't know why trainRation is causing the warning.
net = fitnet(current_neuron_count, TRAIN_FCN);
net.divideParam.trainRation = 70/100;
net.divideParam.valRation = 15/100;
net.divideParam.testRation = 15/100;

Best Answer

trainRatio, valRatio, testRatio
no final 'n'. Not trainRation, trainRatio