MATLAB: Neural network where each input neuron has multiple dimensions and each output neuron has the same dimensions.

neural networkneural networks

Hello all,
I am getting started on using Neural networks as a way to predict a physics based calculation.
I have multiple input files and corresponding output files from the calculation. I would like to use these input files as training data for my neural network and use the output files as validation and testing.
My question is this: Each input file is a 99 x 12 matrix and each output file is a 99 x 12 matrix. I would like to have 99 input neurons to take in 1 vector of length 12 and have 99 output neurons where each output a vector of size 12.
I want to train on multiple input files with their corresponding output files.
I am not quite sure how to go about setting up my network for this operation. I.e how would I present all the training data to the network, and how would I set up the architecture for my network. I am looking to use a feedforward network.

Best Answer

1. Hidden and output nodes are neurons.
2. Input nodes are not neurons.
3. Input and output vectors are columns, not rows.
4. A 12-dimensional input column vector requires 12 input nodes.
5. The input vectors are columns of a 12x99 dimensional matrix.
6. A 12-dimensional output colmn vector requires 12 output nodes
which are neurons.
7. The output vectors are columns of a 12x99 dimensional matrix
8. Obviously you can transpose matrices before and after if you
are dealing with row vectors.
Hope this helps
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