MATLAB: Neural Network Toolbox – Determine the range of outputs

Deep Learning ToolboxMATLABneural networknntool

I am currently playing around with the Neural Net Toolbox of matlab. I just wonder how it is possible to determine the range of outputs with it. For example I put some inputs in it (normalized within -1 to 1) and would like to have outputs like "0" or "1" (or 2 instead of 2.5556). I tried it with targets just being 0/1 but simulation gave me values like "0.8994".
Is there a possibility doing this with nntool?
Kindest regards and thank you, Stefan

Best Answer

Train and validate as usual using tansig or logsig for output activation units.
However, in the test and operational modes, use ROUND, as suggested by Walter.
Hope this helps.