MATLAB: Neural Network how to change output threshold

neural networktoolbox

Hi, I created and trained a neural network using Matlab Toolbox to analise if a movie (given its features as input) is violent or not. The output is two classes that represent violent or not violent.
Exemple of a movie output using the network: Class 1 – 0,68; Class 2 – 0,32. Since all my movies on the trained group only had classes like: Class 1 – 1; Class 2 – 0; or Class 1 – 0 ;Class 2 – 1; I would like to know what is the default threshold that says that the output is considered 1 or 0 – I didn't change any setting on that – and how to change the threshold.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Target of a c-class classifier should have columns from the unit matrix eye(c)
trueindices = [ 5 3 1 2 4 ]
target = ind2vec(trueindices)
output = target + 0.15*randn(5)
predindices = vec2ind(output)
Hope this helps.
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