MATLAB: Neural Netwok testing issues

Deep Learning Toolboxzero output

I am a beginner on neural networks and working on a project in which I am supposed to recognize a face of a person. I have developed a code and train the network on NN toolbox with the specific data base(5 people each having 10 samples).
During test when I provide one of the picture from data base(through which I have trained the network) it works correctly( gives me 1 or 0.99 value in output on the specific person)
But my problem is this when I provide it a random pic whose dimensions are same it never gives zero output for all the faces(those 5).

Best Answer

Bottom lime:
You don't have enough data to adequately characterize a space of dimension 10,304.
50 data points can span, AT MOST, 49 dimensions.
Use feature extraction to drastically reduce input dimensions.
Try searching the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS for ways to extract features from face images
Hope this helps.