MATLAB: Neural net toolbox: divideFcn = ”

geh-recommendedneural networkstraining

I read a lot of Q&A about neural nets on MATALB Answers lately. Someone (sadly I wasn't able to find the post again) mentioned to set the dividing funcion of the input data to ''. i.e.
NN = narxnet(0:5, 1:5, [10 10]); % creation of a narxnet
NN.divideFcn = ''; % usually I use 'divideblock' here
I get different results for NN.divideFcn = '' or NN.divideFcn = 'divideblock'.
My question is: How does this divideFcn behave. Or does this line of code lead to some default value for the divideFcn?
Thank you in advance for your answers.

Best Answer

In general you can specify
1. The type of data division
2. The trn/val/test ratios
If you don't specify anything, you will get the default of random data division with trn/val/test ratios 0.7/0.15/0.15.
If you specify ' ' or 'dividetrain', you will get no division i.e., 100/0/0.
If you only specify 'divideblock' the data will be divided into 3 solid blocks of trn/val/test with the default 0.7/0.15/0.15 ratios. However, you can also specify another set of block ratios. This is the datadivision I typically recommend for timeseries prediction.
The disappointing part of this thread is that you should have figured this out by
1. Reading the help and doc documentations for the
different datadivision options.
2. Demonstrating the options on a small data example.
For example,
input = 1:10; target = input.^2;
Hope this helps.
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