MATLAB: Nested if else statements

nested if else

Can someone write an example of a nested if else statement? matlab keeps underlining the 'else' when I try to write a nested 'if else' statement telling me the syntax is wrong.
Also, where do I put the 'end' for each of the 'if else' statements?

Best Answer

x = 5.5
if x > 6
disp('x is greater than 6')
elseif x >= 3 && x <= 6
if mod(x,1) ~= 0
disp('x is a non-integer value between 3 and 6')
disp('x is a integer value between 3 and 6')
elseif x < 3
disp('x is less than 6')
The above code checks to see what range x falls in, then enters an if/else statement that determines whether it is evenly divisible by one. If not, this means x is not an integer value and the corresponding text is displayed. Here, you could get rid of the nesting if you liked by using statements like elseif x >=3 && x <= 6 && mod(x,1) ~= 0, but eventually it would get messy and difficult to read.
%grade = [];
grade = 75;
if ~isempty(grade)
if grade > 70
disp('Assignment passed!')
disp('Assignment failed!')
disp('No grade found for this assignment!')
Here's another example in which we have to use the nesting in order to check for cases where a blank grade was given.
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